The Misanthrope Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

And not this man alone, but all humanity
Do what they do from interest and vanity;
They prate of honor, truth, and righteousness,
But lie, betray, and swindle nonetheless. (5.1.37)

Man, this play has a dim view of humanity. Are we all lawless liars and deceivers? Well, maybe. But it also seems to have a dim view of Alceste, so maybe we should take what he said with a grain (or handful) of salt.

Quote #8

"As for the little Marquess, who sat squeezing my hand for such a long while yesterday, I find him in all respects the most trifling creature alive; and the only things of value about him are his cape and his sword. As for the man with the green ribbons…" (5.4.27)

So, it seems like it's not actually a problem that Célimène lied. The problem is that she got found out—and people's egos got hurt.