The Misanthrope Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #10

Yes, I could wish that you were wretchedly poor,
Unloved, uncherished, utterly obscure;
That fate had set you down upon the earth
Without possessions, rank, or gentle birth;
Then, by the offer of my heart, I might
Repair the great injustice of your plight;
I'd raise you from the dust, and proudly prove
The purity and vastness of my love. (4.3.151)

Alceste is telling Célimène that he loves her so much that he wishes she were poor and common, just so he could love her all over again and prove how noble and pure his love is. Sure. We just have to say that we doubt Célimène feels the same way, since she seems to enjoy being rich and fancy.