The Misanthrope Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

Oh, how I wish they had sufficient sense
At court, to recognize your excellence!
They wrong you greatly, Sir. How it must hurt you
Never to be rewarded for your virtue! (3.7.9)

Alceste has no power because he refuses to exchange his morals for clout. In other words, he doesn't realize that, sometimes, things are more powerful if you give them away.

Quote #8

I only wish, Sir, that you had your eye
On some position at court, however high;
You'd only have to hint at such a notion
For me to set the proper wheels in motion;
I've certain friendships I'd be glad to use
To get you any office you might choose. (3.7.137)

Poor Arsinoé. She'd love to sell her power for Alceste's love, but she doesn't know that he's not for sale. Maybe she should try buying used.