The Misanthrope Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

This fawning age has praise for everyone,
And all distinctions, Madam, are undone.
All things have equal honor nowadays,
And no one should be gratified by praise.
To be admired, one only need exist,
And every lackey's on the honors list. (3.7.31)

Alceste thinks the idea of everyone being a unique and special snowflake is pretty stupid. So, apparently, all this business about how Millennials all think they're too special to do anything because they've all been told that they're little snowflakes is … actually pretty old. Like, hundreds of years old. Take that, Boomers!

Quote #8

Come then: man's villainy is too much to bear;
Let's leave this jungle and this jackal's lair.
Yes! treacherous and savage race of men,
You shall not look upon my face again. (5.1.38)

Alceste's totally mature approach to society is just to leave it. Hey, here's an idea, Alceste—why don't you write a play satirizing it, instead? Might be more useful.

Quote #9

And not this man alone, but all humanity
Do what they do from interest and vanity;
They prate of honor, truth, and righteousness,
But lie, betray, and swindle nonetheless.(5.1.37)

So, here's the question of the hour (or, you know, millennium): is lying just natural? Have people lied for as long as we've been walking on two legs? Or is it something that society forces us to do?