Jacob Magellan Portman Timeline & Summary


Jacob Magellan Portman Timeline & Summary

  • Little Jacob wants to be an explorer just like his Grandpa Abe, who tells him stories of peculiar children and eternal life in a time where every day is the same…
  • Until Jacob decides Grandpa is a stinky ol' liar.
  • When Jacob is a teenager, he goes to check on his grandpa and finds him dying in the woods.
  • Grandpa dies in Jacob's arms, but utters some cryptic last words with his final breath.
  • Jacob sees what killed his grandpa in the woods: a tentacle-mouthed monster.
  • In therapy (that would send anyone to therapy), his psychiatrist suggests Jacob go to the island where Grandpa is raised.
  • Jacob does, and discovers Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children, which is stuck in a time loop on September 3, 1940.
  • There, Jacob starts falling for Emma Bloom, his grandpa's ex-girlfriend, who is sixteen going on ninety, thanks to the time-stopping powers of the time loop.
  • They learn about an evil plot to kidnap ymbrynes—people like Miss Peregrine, the headmistress, who can manipulate time—so the hollowgast can achieve immortality.
  • Jacob's psychiatrist is a wight, a monster helping the hollowgast, and Jacob inadvertently leads him to Miss Peregrine.
  • When Peregrine is birdnapped, Jacob and his friends pursue the wight and rescue her.
  • Unfortunately, she can't return to human form. Jacob realizes he must stay in the time loop to find a way to heal her, so he tells his dad goodbye, and returns to live in the past.