How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Only this part of her death seemed right. The garden. All the rest of it seemed so wrong, and it has been nearly six months—we have gone through two seasons—without her, and still I don't know what kind of life Ob and I are going to come up with for ourselves. (2.3)
May's death doesn't seem to jive with Ob and Summer's idea of what their life should look like at all. They can't imagine a life with May, and now that she's gone they're going to have to come up with a new model for living.
Quote #2
That's all May ever remembered. The next memory she had was of waking up in that tub six miles from home and pulling a tired old cat from the water she was floating in. Her mommy and daddy were gone, lost forever. (2.36)
May is kind of living in a nightmare when she loses her parents, right? But even though she could have just given up right then and there, she goes on to thrive. Take that, death.
Quote #3
It was a pitiful sight, the three of us in our overcoats and boots, standing among the dead stalks of winter, hoping for a sign of life from the woman who once had kept everything alive on that soil. Including some of us. (5.1)
Geez—Uncle Ob and Summer even have to deal with dead plants in this story. Talk about a depressing landscape to look at when you're already mourning the death of a loved one.