How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"She'll seem better tomorrow, his grandma said, her voice huskier, "but she won't be, Conor." (6.38)
How could she seem better but not be? Would she just be pretending?
Quote #2
His grandma was on the settee, holding on to his mum, rubbing her back as she threw up into a small bucket they kept nearby just in case. (6.54)
This is one of the only times we see Conor's grandma being truly nurturing, acting like a mother to her daughter the way Conor's mom acts like a mother to him. Maybe it's because she knows that this is all her daughter has left—more pain and suffering until she finally dies.
Quote #3
It was three full days after the treatment, about the time she usually started feeling better, except she was still throwing up, still exhausted, for far longer than she should have been. (7.2)
This is the point when someone should have been straight with Conor, don't you think? The denial also went on far longer than it should have, if you ask Shmoop.