A Monster Calls Death Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"She's got medicine for her pain --" Conor started, but his grandmother clapped her hands together, just the once, but loud, loud enough to stop him. (11.8)

Grandma may not be able to say the words, "she's dying," and she may not feel it's her place, since Conor's parents seem to want to lie to him. But she has to get through to him somehow; to let him know he's refusing to live in reality.

Quote #5

He went over and sat next to her on the side facing the window. She ran her hand through his hair, lifting it out of his eyes, and he could see how skinny her arm was, almost like it was just bone and skin. (11.35)

What parallels does the description of Conor's mom's arm and skin have with the description of the formation of the monster's body the first time Conor sees it? And what might those parallels mean?

Quote #6

"Your mum's taken a turn, Con," his father said. Conor looked up quickly. "Your grandma's gone to the hospital now to talk to the doctors." (18.18)

Notice that his dad doesn't even have to say "for the worse." Even as he continues to cling to the hope that his mother will get better, Conor knows she's getting worse. At this point, he doesn't need to hear the truth spoken. He's starting to admit it to himself.