Production Studio

Production Studio

Michael White Productions and Python (Monty) Pictures

Michael White Productions and Python (Monty) Pictures produced The Holy Grail, written and directed by the Pythons themselves. The film's two producers were Mark Forstater and Michael White. The Holy Grail is Forstater's major claim to fame. He's continued to produce a few films but is actually best known for his lawsuit against the Pythons for Eric Idle's stage spinoff, Spamalot. Forstater won the suit and was rewarded the hefty sum of £800,000 for royalties due to him.

White had a more illustrious career as a producer. He's worked on many well-known plays and screenplays including the original cult classic Rocky Horror Show and movie adaptation Rocky Horror Picture Show. He's even important enough to have his own biopic, The Last Impresario.