How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
The Ancients destroyed themselves in that terrible flurry of orbit-to-earth atomics and tailored-virus bombs called the Sixty Minute War. (1.18)
A lot of our technology goes into weapons of mass destruction. And as we learned from the Cold War, one day these weapons might get out of our control and destroy us all.
Quote #2
"Mr. Valentine! Look! A seedy!" (2.33)
Tom finds a relic from the past, which you might know as a CD. It's amazing how things that were once technologically cutting edge become junk in just a few short years. Heck, CDs are practically junk already, and we're barely into the 21st century.
Quote #3
"The people of the old days may only have lived in static settlements, but their electronic machines were far beyond anything London's Engineers have been able to build." (2.36)
Why do you think the Engineers are able to build half-mile-high rolling cities but haven't been able to construct a Sony Discman?