Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Violence Quotes
[Herbert] enjoyed picking on Tom, who was small and shy and had no friends to stick up for him. (1.23)
Society and Class Quotes
The lower levels wreathed in engine smoke, the villas of the rich gleaming white on the higher decks. (1.3)
Appearances Quotes
Tom gazed at [Katherine] in wonder. He had seen pictures of Valentine's daughter, but he had never realized how beautiful she was. (2.22)
Guilt and Blame Quotes
[Tom] didn't feel like a hero anymore--he just felt sorry for this poor, hideous girl, and guilty at being the one who had trapped her here. (3.11)
Courage Quotes
If he grew bored, [Tom] simply took refuge in a daydream in which he was a hero who rescued beautiful girls from air-pirates. (1.16)
Admiration Quotes
The proudest moment of [Tom's] life had been when he was twelve and Valentine had come down to present the apprentices' end-of-year prizes, including the one Tom had won for an essay on identifying...
Technology and Modernization Quotes
The Ancients destroyed themselves in that terrible flurry of orbit-to-earth atomics and tailored-virus bombs called the Sixty Minute War. (1.18)
Friendship Quotes
[Melliphant] enjoyed picking on Tom, who was small and shy and had no friends to stick up for him. (1.23)
Religion Quotes
[Tom] cut through the Twenty-First Century gallery, past the big plastic statues of Pluto and Mickey, animal-headed gods of lost America. (1.18)