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Le Morte D'Arthur Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page.Line) [from Malory, Thomas. Le Morte D'Arthur. Stephen H. A. Shepherd, ed. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2004. Print.]

Quote #4

And anone the clamoure was howge aboute all the contrey, and then they wente withone voyse tofore the Kynge and thanked God and hym that their enemy was destroyed.
"All thanke ye God," seyde Arthur, "and no man ellys" (125.16-19)

Okay, so Arthur has totally just wrestled an ogre to its death with his bare hands. Pretty impressive, no? But Arthur won't take any personal credit for the feat, preferring instead to give it all the props to God, which shows that he values his Christian devotion over his role as a knight.

Quote #5

So forth the wente wyth the Kynge, tho knyghtes of the Rounde Table. Was never kyng nother knyghtes dud bettir syn God made the worlde: they leyde on with longe swerdys and swapped thorow braynes; shyldys nother no shene armys myght hem nat withstonde tyll they leyde on the erthe ten thousand at onys. (135.46-136.5)

During Arthur's war with Lucius, Emperor of Rome, he and his knights perform miraculously well on the battlefield, even though they're outnumbered, all because they have God on their side. Of course this also means that Arthur is the rightful ruler of the Roman empire.

Quote #6

Sone aftir that Kynge Arthure was com from Rome into Ingelonde, than all the knyghtys of the Rounde Table resorted unto the Kynge and many joustys and turnementes. And som there were, that were but knyghtes, encresed in armys and worshyp and that was well proved on many. But in especiall hit was preved on Sir Launcelot du Lake, for in all turnementes, justys, and dedys of armys, both for lyff and deth, he passed all other knyghtes – and at no tyme was he ovircom but yf hit were by treson other inchauntement. (151.33-43)

Tournaments and jousts are a way for young nobodies to prove themselves and win glory and honor in Le Morte D'Arthur. Luckily, Arthur seems to be quite a fan, so he gives these knights a ton of opportunities to joust. In the end, this is one of the things that makes him such a beloved king. He really knows what the people want.