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Murder on the Orient Express Visions of America Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I would like first to mention certain points which appear to me suggestive. Let us start with a remark made to me by M. Bouc in this very place on the occasion of our first lunch together on the train. He commented on the fact that we were surrounded by people of all classes, of all ages, of all nationalities. That is a fact somewhat rare at this time of year." (3.3.22)

Poirot recognizes that the population of the train car is a reflection of the diversity of the American population.

Quote #8

"I agreed with him, but when this particular point came into my mind, I tried to imagine whether such an assembly were ever likely to be collected under an other conditions. And the answer I made to myself was – only in America." (3.9.40-41)

Poirot repeats his point. "Only in America," he says, would you find people of so many different backgrounds and social classes all intermingling.

Quote #9

"Ratchett had escaped justice in America. There was no question as to his guilt. I visualized a self-appointed jury of twelve people who condemned him to death and were forced by exigencies of the case to be their own executioners. And immediately, on that assumption, the whole case fell into beautiful shining order." (3.9.59)

The passengers recreate the American judicial system on the train.