My Brother Sam Is Dead Chapter 8 Summary

  • Tim and his dad have arrived in North Salem safe and sound. They're stopping here for the night to catch up with some cousins, the Platt family, and then head out for some cattle-trading the next day.
  • At the Platt farm, they get some good grub and a cozy night's sleep. Sounds way better than a rumble with cowboys.
  • Later that night, Sam has a chit chat with his cousin, Ezekiel.
  • They gab about the war and whether Tim is a Loyalist or not. To be honest, Tim still isn't sure which side he's on. He's one confused dude.
  • The next day, Tim and his old man head into Verplancks Point. While Mr. Meeker trades cows for goods that they can sell or use in the Meeker store/tavern, Tim gets a peek at what life is like in a different colony. The verdict: Tim kinda wants to stay forever and not have to go back to working in the tavern. Alas, all road trips must come to an end.
  • So after a successful day of trading, the Meekers catch some Z's before starting back to Redding.
  • While on the road back home, Mr. Meeker realizes they've got a tough choice to make.
  • Choice 1: Take the same exact road back. The good thing about this is that it's the shortest route and it looks like snow is coming soon. But the bad thing is that there are those scary cowboy dudes. What if they are waiting for the Meekers to journey back home through the Ridgebury area? We're shaking in our (cowboy) boots just thinking about it.
  • Choice 2: Take the longer way home. The upside to this route is that it avoids the Ridgebury area and those creepy cowboys. But the downside is that if it snows, they'll be out on the road for even longer. And no one wants to get caught in a snow storm. Hmmm.
  • Turns out, Tim and his dad don't have much of a choice; the snow has already started.
  • They take the shorter route, hoping to get home faster. Cowboys wouldn't want to wait out in the snow for them, right? Fingers crossed.
  • After tons of trudging, they make it back to the Platts for another good night of rest alongside Tim's cousins.