My Brother Sam Is Dead Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

When I woke up somebody was shouting. I sat up in bed. It was Father. I couldn't hear the words, but I could hear the sound—his heavy, hard voice going on and on. Then there was Sam's voice and he was shouting, too, and then Father again. (1.140)

Tim's family is in for a rough ride. One of the first interactions we see between Sam and his dad is this gigantic fight about Sam joining the Continental Army. All this shouting doesn't bode well for Sam's relationship with his Pops.

Quote #2

Then Betsy Read said, "Timmy are you on your father's side or Sam's?"

I wished she hadn't asked me that question. I didn't want to answer it; in fact, I didn't know how to answer it. "I don't understand what it's all about," I said.

"It's simple," Sam said. "Either we're going to be free or we're not."

Betsy touched his arm. "It isn't that simple, Sam. There's more to it." (2.40-43)

Tim really doesn't want to have to choose between his dad and his bro, and we can't blame him. This choice is extra tough for Tim because his family is now mixed up in politics. Keep an eye out for how Tim grapples with this choice throughout the novel.

Quote #3

I still hadn't made up my mind which side I was on in the war, and I didn't care whether Sam was a Patriot or a Tory or what. All I could think about was snuggling up to him and listening to him talk about scoring telling points. (3.21)

War doesn't matter to Tim when his brother is concerned. In fact, he'll happily chuck this whole war business out the window if it means he can have his big bro back, safe and sound. We can't lie, that's some seriously sweet stuff.