My Brother Sam Is Dead Analysis

Literary Devices in My Brother Sam Is Dead

Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory


My Brother Sam Is Dead paints quite the picture of Colonial America. From colonial farms to colonial taverns, Tim's story gives us a look at a place where messages are hand-delivered and people wal...

Narrator Point of View

Our head honcho Tim tells his own story. This means we get to hear what he's thinking and feeling all the time. And boy does this kid spend lot of time thinking. Basically, it's all Tim all the tim...


My Brother Sam Is Dead is pretty textbook coming-of-age. Our main boy, Tim, who complains about chores, turns into our main man Tim, who tackles his chores with gusto. Okay, it's not just about cho...


By the time you finish My Brother Sam Is Dead, Tim feels like an old friend. And that's because, throughout the book, he talks as if we're chatting in the tavern over a cup of tea. He doesn't bothe...

Writing Style

Our boy Tim just loves to dive into the details. Sometimes, this means he gives us lots of specifics about the landscape. (Hop on over to the "Visions of America" theme for more on how pretty these...

What's Up With the Title?

Talk about a spoiler. Yep, Sam dies. The end.That's kind of a huge plot point to spill before the book even begins, don't you think? So why let the cat out of the bag so early?Well, as strange as i...

What's Up With the Ending?

My Brother Sam Is Dead kind of has two endings. Double the satisfaction, we say. Let's break them down.First, we've got the ending where Sam gets executed in the very last sentence of the book. And...


Here's what makes My Brother Sam Is Dead a bit tough: the historical stuff. Yep. It might be a little tricky to follow all the historical details you don't already know, but it's those details that...

Plot Analysis

War is A-Brewin'Our main man Tim gets the shock of his life: his big bro announces he's joining up with the Patriots. That's right, Sam is going to fight against the British in the American Revolut...


My Brother Sam Is Dead was named a Newbery Honor book and a National Book Award finalist. We can't say we're surprised. Like many great books before it, My Brother Sam Is Dead is so good that peop...

Steaminess Rating

You know where you might find some steaminess in this book? Nowhere, that's where. Well, if you're looking for a steaming bowl of fish chowder or a piping hot mug o' tea, we bet Tim can fetch one f...


Samuel Adams (1.6)John Hancock (1.6)Benedict Arnold (1.15-19, 1.103-105, 11.49-50, 11.92, 11.110)Boston Tea Party (1.42)Battle of Bunker Hill (3.2)Capture of Fort Ticonderoga (3.2)George Washington...