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my father moved through dooms of love Man and the Natural World Quotes

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Quote #4

a heart of star by him could steer (22)

The speaker takes us even further into outer space with all this talk about stars, as he references a time when sailors had to be totally in tune with the night sky to get where they were going. It's interesting that the speaker draws on a time when people were absolutely dependent on these out-of-this-world wonders to do what they had to do on Earth.

Quote #5

conceiving mind of sun will stand, (26)

Okay, now we're back in our same solar system. Phew, we were getting homesick. Here, the speaker uses one of the most important natural forces of all—the sun—to represent his father's explosively brilliant mind. As in many of Cummings's poems, "my father moved through dooms of love" doesn't present human beings at odds with nature; it shows nature as representing all the things we are. So, you can say that ultimately the poem is an expression of our unity with the natural forces of our world and beyond.