My Heartbeat Society Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"What makes you care so much about Link?" I ask. "Don't you want him to have a unique perspective?"

"Your brother is not gay," Dad says.

"We don't know that," I say, thinking how the more I hear Dad and Link say he is not gay, the less I believe it. "He doesn't even know. You're afraid he is. Why?"

"Link is endlessly talented," Dad says. "He's crawling with potential. While the margins may afford certain observations, it is also a limited way to live. I want your brother's life to be limitless." (16.36-39)

Dad doesn't even see how hypocritical he is being with that last statement, but it's a doozy. He doesn't want to limit Link's possibilities, and yet he is blatantly placing limits on who he is should love. Oops.