My Name is Asher Lev Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around My Name is Asher Lev? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What's the name of the prayer Asher sings every night before bed?

Krias shema
Hava nagila
The Goodnight Sleep Tight Prayer
Q. What does Rivkeh have to ask permission from the Rabbi to do?

Become a commercial airline pilot.
Allow her son to become an artist.
Enroll in college.
Help Yudel Krinsky.
Q. Why does Aryeh leave his family to live in Vienna?

To become a superhero.
To study Torah.
To build Ladover yeshivas all over Europe.
To be closer to the Rabbi.
Q. What aspects of his appearance does Asher decide not to conceal in the self portrait he paints in Provincetown?

His earlocks
His green eyes.
His fisherman's cap.
His moustache.
Q. What is the significance of Shabbos for the Hasidic community?

It is the one day a week everyone can wear suspenders.
It is a holiday commemorating the Jewish New Year.
It is the weekly day of rest.
It is a special kind of sweet bread.