My Name is Asher Lev Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around My Name is Asher Lev? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Asher struggle a lot with?

Playing soccer
Paying attention in yeshiva
Being an emissary to the Rabbi
Q. Who is Asher always dreaming about?

The Rabbi
A girl he has a crush on
His mom
His mythic ancestor
Q. What does Asher's religion prohibit him from doing?

Going swimming
Painting nudes
Eating two sandwiches in one sitting
Annoying Yudel Krinsky in his store
Q. Why does Rivkeh get sick at the beginning of the book?

She eats too many shellfish
She catches the flu from Asher
She is sick with grief because her brother died
She falls ill after a boating accident
Q. What does Jacob Kahn think of Asher's paintings?

They're okay—could use some work
There's too much purple in them
He thinks Asher is an artistic prodigy
He thinks Asher is a better yeshiva student than a painter