Jacob Kahn Timeline and Summary


Jacob Kahn Timeline and Summary

  • Jacob Kahn grows up in Europe, surviving numerous pogroms and the Holocaust.
  • He develops his artistic talent while growing less and less faithful to the Jewish tradition in which he was raised.
  • At the peak of his fame, the Rabbi asks him to mentor Asher.
  • Jacob Kahn makes Asher study Picasso's Guernica and then invites him to his studio to paint.
  • Jacob Kahn encourages Asher to paint his first nudes, which is terrifying for Asher because nude images are forbidden by Hasidic tradition.
  • Jacob Kahn and Asher form a close bond; Jacob Kahn makes sculptures of himself and Asher together.
  • Asher begins to have gallery shows with the help of Jacob Kahn's agent and gallery owner, Anna Schaeffer.
  • Jacob Kahn encourages asher to travel to Italy and Paris, and Asher does.
  • Jacob Kahn falls ill. From his death bed, he encourages Asher to continue painting and drawing, no matter how controversial the subject.