Yudel Krinsky Timeline and Summary


Yudel Krinsky Timeline and Summary

  • Yudel is imprisoned in Siberia.
  • Yudel is freed by the Aryeh and the Rabbi—a.k.a the Hasidic Secret Service.
  • Yudel moves to Brooklyn, where he gets a job in a grocery store and learns English. This is also where he first meets Asher.
  • As Yudel's English becomes more fluent, he quits his job in the grocery store and opens a stationery store.
  • Asher frequents Yudel's stationery store and at one point steals some charcoals from him.
  • Yudel remains close to Asher as Asher rises to stardom, but ultimately loses faith in him after the Brooklyn Crucifixion debacle.