The Mysteries of Udolpho Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Volume.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Is a marriage with a man, who adores you, so very terrible in your eyes, that you would prefer it to all the misery, to which Montoni may condemn you in this remote prison?" (2.6.124)

So says the creepy guy who breaks into Em's bedchamber. But Morano brings up an interesting point: Em really would prefer to stay locked in Montoni's castle than suffer through a loveless marriage. As a woman of this time period, she doesn't have that many choices.

Quote #5

"I am the most wretched of women—I am indeed cruelly treated!" (2.7.43)

You gotta feel a little bad for Madame Cheron. One poor decision about a man, and her life is effectively chained to his.

Quote #6

She had now only to hope, that Montoni's order was prompted, not by any extraordinary design, but by an ostentation of displaying his family, richly attired, to the eyes of strangers […] (2.10.4)

When Montoni tells Em to dress in sexy clothes, she knows she really has no choice. Performing femininity is a real chore.