The Mysteries of Udolpho Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Volume.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"[…] you possess an understanding superior to that of your sex; and that you have none of those contemptible foibles, that frequently mark the female character […]" (3.5.10)

Montoni is doing a most excellent job of preying on Em's insecurities. He's also revealing himself to be a big-time misogynist. Really, Montoni?

Quote #8

"Many young ladies, circumstanced as you are, would think my conduct, on this occasion […] impertinent. I do not fear such a return from you." (3.13.44)

There we go with the "most young ladies" thing again. Count de Villeforte, too, has a preconceived notion of how women should behave. But Em is special.