
Character Analysis

Francoise only appears in this book twice. She is the owner of Antoine's favorite bar, which is located in the Bouville train station. On top of that, she is also Antoine's friend with benefits. As Antoine claims:

I do not pay her: our need is mutual. (3.9)

Dang. Slap that on a Valentine's card. How super duper romantic.

In other words, they have an agreement to have sex with no strings attached. Antoine knows he's not the only man in this woman's life and frankly doesn't care. He says, coldly, that:

She takes pleasure in it (she has to have a man a day ad she has many more besides me). (3.9)

By the end of the book, Antoine decides to leave Bouville and goes to Francoise to say goodbye. When he sees her for the last time, he thinks to himself:

How was I able to press my lips against this large face? (33.13).

He's not even attracted to the woman, but has had sex with her simply to avoid feeling lonely. As they part, Francoise tells him:

"I was used to you," she says with polite regret, "we got along together." (33.18)

Basically, she liked him okay… even though he was only one of a dozen men in her life. When all is said and done, Sartre uses Antoine's sexual relationship with Francoise to show just how empty the guy's relationships with other human beings are.

Francoise's Timeline