Nausea Resources


The UK Sartre Society

Formed in 1992, this organization is all about promoting all the amazing ideas you can learn about by studying Sartre's work. What are you waiting for?

Sartre on

Sartre's work was heavily influenced by the life he led—it makes most people's lives look insanely dull by comparison.

Sartre and Peanuts

No, this isn't an article about Sartre's allergies. It's actually about the connections between Sartre's work and the cartoon world of Charlie Brown.

Articles and Interviews

Sartre at Seventy: An Interview

Check out this interview for an intimate look at an aging Sartre, who speaks openly about his declining health. Honest 'til the end, that's our Sartre.

"Man Makes Himself" by Jean-Paul Sartre

It's challenging, but totally worth a read if you're interested in learning more about Sartre's existential philosophy.


The Road To Freedom: A Documentary on the Life of Jean-Paul Sartre

If you're feeling a bit tired and want to learn about Sartre without reading any thick books, check out this very watchable documentary about his life and ideas.

Camus Versus Sartre

A great doc about the tensions between Sartre and his good philosopher frenemy, Albert Camus.


Lecture on Sartre from the "Giants of Philosophy" Series

Sit back, throw on the headphones, and listen to some Sartre-licious goodness.


Sartre Thinks with his Pipe

Lookin' sharp, Sartre.

Sartre's Pin Striped Suit

Even an existentialist has to spruce himself up from time to time.

Portrait of the Sartre as a Young Man

Looking angsty there, Sartre.