The Nicomachean Ethics Resources


Just the Facts

This website offers a solid overview of Aristotle's career and works, presented in video and prose formats.

Aristotle Tech

Explore other works of Aristotle, hosted by MIT.

If it's All Greek to You...

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy is a peer-reviewed collected of articles and entries concerning...well...philosophy. This article discusses three important concepts that appear in Aristotle's Ethics: habit, the mean, and what is noble.

The Pursuit of Happiness (Dot Org)

The mission of this group of mental health professionals is to reinstate the scientific search for happiness in our modern lives. This link will take you to their discussion of Aristotle and how his systematic inquiry into a life of happiness should guide our modern pursuit.

Movie or TV Productions

Hector and the Search for Happiness

Watch Simon Pegg (of Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead fame) as he portrays a psychologist who goes on a global quest to figure out what makes people happy. It's a modern take on the Aristotelian inquiry. Check out how many of his revelations match Aristotle's—or don't.

Articles and Interviews

Is Literature a Good?

This article asks the very Aristotelian question: can literature make you a better person? The author entertains a variety of points-of-view, including Aristotle's own.

Aristotle, the List

Here's a list of quotable quotes, to impress your friends and awe your enemies.

Beyoncé as Aristotelian Artist?

NPR's Adam Frank ruffled some feathers by suggesting that Beyoncé used both science and art in her professional life. An adjunct professor of Philosophy writes in to defend Frank, and offers a thorough analysis of the Aristotelian types of knowledge Queen Bey must use in her performances.


Ethics, in Three Minutes

Stephen Fry of BritCom fame pretty much sums up the first four books of Ethics in this nifty little video presentation.

Ethics Crash Course—with Stick Figures

Take the level of seriousness down a notch and check out this video, which will help you maintain your sanity as you plow through Ethics.

The School of Philosophy

This YouTube channel offers quick explanations of philosophers' top ideas. This one, for Aristotle, does an excellent job of quickly untangling some of the central discussions of the Nicomachean Ethics.


Happiness for Modern Times

BBC's History of Ideas explores how Aristotle's Ethics helps us to think about flourishing and living the good life in our era.

The Big Hungry Caterpillar and Aristotle

We kid you not. This All Things Considered piece runs through the possible influences that Aristotle, Blake and Wittgenstein might have had on the author of this insanely popular children's book. It's all in good fun, but the author has a very Aristotelian point: in the end, it's all about happiness.


Decoding The School of Athens

Raphael's masterpiece is a massive work of visual name-dropping—which is all very well and good if you're on a first-name basis with folks like Anaximander and Hypatia.

For the rest of us, this interactive tool allows us to explore the figures that appear in the painting. Here you will find some luminaries mentioned by Aristotle, including Eudemus of Rhodes, Speusippus, Pythagoras, and Xenocrates.

Hangin' with Homer

In this dark portrait, Rembrandt imagines Aristotle contemplating a bust of Homer.

Portraits of the Philosopher

This article describes the portraits (sculptures) made of Aristotle in the 4th and 5th centuries BCE. While this site only includes one image, it provides links out to the existing portraits from this time period, housed online by Perseus.