by Elie Wiesel
Current Events & Pop Culture
Available to teachers only as part of the Teaching Night Teacher Pass
Teaching Night Teacher Pass includes:
- Assignments & Activities
- Reading Quizzes
- Current Events & Pop Culture articles
- Discussion & Essay Questions
- Challenges & Opportunities
- Related Readings in Literature & History
Sample of Current Events & Pop Culture
Reading Night at an Elementary Level
New standards mean harder reading. What does that mean for students? Well, books that used to be acceptable for high school are now deemed too easy. The following opinion article argues that lawmakers should take content into account before passing educational laws. In fact, now according to Common Core Standards, Night should be taught to elementary school students. This article argues that the content of Night, and not the lexile range, make this book required reading for high school students.
"No fourth grader would understand the cultural oppressions and the complex themes in 'Of Mice and Men,' and the Holocaust in Wiesel's 'Night,' of which the author was a survivor. The actual content of the books need to be brought into question before we say what is or isn't appropriate for English classes or young readers."