Meet the Cast
Llewelyn Moss
American SniperIt's hard to tell who the main character in No Country for Old Men is. We've got three characters to choose from: Sheriff Bell, Anton Chigurh, and Llewelyn Moss. That's the order we...
Anton Chigurh
Chigurh and Spice and Nothing NiceIn the first chapter, Sheriff Bell rambles on about how "somewhere out there is a true and living prophet of destruction and I dont want to confront him. I know he...
Sheriff Ed Tom Bell
Bell, JarredIf Chigurh is a bad guy, and Llewelyn Moss is a neutral guy, then Sheriff Bell is the good guy of the story by default.And he's completely useless.Yep, No Country for Old Men is a battl...
Carla Jean Moss
Other than the fact that she makes and honest-to-goodness "[t]hat's what she said" (1.3.91) joke, we don't know much about Carla Jean Moss. She's Llewelyn's feisty but loyal wife. She cooks him bre...
The Hitchhiker
Even Cowgirls Get the BluesThe unnamed hitchhiker is described as "kind of a skankylookin little old girl" (8.2.395). We can't get much more colorful than that, can we?Llewelyn picks up the 15-year...
Carson Wells
The Wells Run DryWells is hired by one of the drug lords to recover the money Llewelyn stole. Unlike Chigurh, though, Wells doesn't want to kill Llewelyn to do it. That makes him a good guy. Kind o...
Other Law Enforcement
Protect and ServeIt's hard to tell the other law enforcement members apart. They're interchangeable. We don't even get physical descriptions, and they all talk with the same Texas twang. If you can...
Paul the Cab Driver
Uber DriverPaul the cab driver is such a minor character, he shouldn't even deserve a mention. However, he delivers one of the book's most awesome phrases. When Llewelyn tells him, "[T]rust me," Pa...