Edith Timeline and Summary


Edith Timeline and Summary

  • The book opens on the day before Edith's wedding. Edith is asleep, so Margaret has to take responsibility for entertaining all the guests at her house.
  • Edith wakes up a while later and plays some piano for the guests.
  • We don't see Edith for the entire middle of the book because she moves to Greece with her new husband, Captain Lennox.
  • After both of Margaret Hale's parents die, Edith insists that Margaret move to London to live with her and her husband, now that they've moved back to England.
  • While Margaret is living with her, Edith tries to play matchmaker between Margaret and Edith's brother-in-law, Henry Lennox. Nothing doing, though, because Margaret decides in the end that she wants to marry Mr. Thornton from Milton.