North and South Resources


The Gaskell Society

Join today and become part of the glorious Gaskell revolution! Just kidding, but how about talking to other literature aficionados about Gaskell's work?

The Gaskell Web

This page has some awesome material, from e-texts of Gaskell's works to virtual walkabouts through some of her favorite regions of England.

The Gaskell Overview

A fantastic intro to Gaskell, with all kinds of helpful tips about her characters, imagery, and social history.

Movie or TV Productions

North and South (2004 Miniseries)

This is the most recent version of North and South you'll find in the movie or TV world. It has an awesome imdb rating, so it's probably worthwhile to check out. 

Movies or TV Productions

North and South (1975 TV Series)

It's got Patrick Stewart. What more do you want?

Articles and Interviews

"The Amazing Secret Life"

Get all the goods on Elizabeth Gaskell's life away from writing. Even a century after the fact, the Daily Mail's got your gossip covered. 

The Guardian Reviews North and South

If you want a solid critical reading of this book, follow this link. 

Elizabeth Gaskell at The Centre for Working-Class Studies

These folks are no doubt fans of Gaskell's novels because they were some of the first to support workers' rights. 


North and South 2004 TV Miniseries (Episode 1)

Like the title says, this is the first episode of the 2004 miniseries. So have a cup of tea and settle in. 

North and South 2004 (Episode 2)

We're willing to bet you liked that first episode so much that you have to watch another. 

North and South Proposal Scene

Tired of waiting? How about we just skip to the good part?


North and South Audiobook

Tired of reading? How about listening instead?

North and South Audiobook (Stephen King Version?)

The person who posted this one says he's Stephen King. But for some reason, we suspect it's not the Stephen King you're thinking of. 


Young Gaskell

Why is it we think of Margaret Hale when we see Elizabeth Gaskell? Maybe it's because both were related to ministers and dedicated their lives to helping the less fortunate. 

Older Gaskell

This image would have been created not long before Gaskell's death in 1865. 

Margaret Hale in 2004

Here's a pic of Daniela Denby-Ashe playing Margaret Hale in 2004. Is that how you pictured Margie?