North and South Volume 2, Chapter 7 Summary


  • All the next day, Fredrick, Margaret, and Mr. Hale sit together. It is settled that Margaret will walk to the train station with Frederick that evening to make sure he gets away safely.
  • That night, Margaret and Frederick go to the train station. On their way there, they pass Mr. Thornton, who is riding by in a carriage. Margaret knows that he has seen them together, and she also notices that he is wearing a big scowl. Frederick notices it, too, and asks what the man's problem is. Margaret simply answers that something has happened to make the guy angry.
  • They hang around the train station for a while and get their tickets.
  • Before they can get Frederick on the train, though, that Leonards guy shows up from out of nowhere and grabs Frederick. The guy is totally drunk. He knows that it's Frederick and plans on handing him over to the cops.
  • Frederick shoves the guy away though, causing him to tumble off the railway platform. It's not a bad fall, though. Only a few feet. Frederick is also able to jump on the train and speed away before Leonards can get his bearing again.
  • Five minutes later, Margaret can overhear two railway workers talking about Leonards. He's been stumbling around drunk and talking about how he's going to settle someone's hash. Turns out, though, that the guy has decided to go for a drink at the local pub before getting the next train to London in pursuit of Frederick.
  • Margaret makes sure not to let anyone see her as she catches a ride back home.