Ode on Indolence Resources


The Life of Keats

He only lived to be 25, but still managed to have quite a story.

His Work

He didn't just write odes. Check out Keats's other works here.

His Letters

Here's a collection of Keats's letters, some of which are romantic, and some of which contain poetic conceptions now considered to be genius.


The Sounds of Indolence


Lookin' Good

Keats, posing for a portrait.

Grecian Urn

Here's an urn, much like the one the speaker references.

Articles and Interviews

Negative Capa….what?

This article is all about the famous concept of negative capability, one Keats was first to put to words.

Keats and the Sublime

This is all about how Keats's Great Odes confronted life, death, and immortality.


The Complete Poems

Get all the Keats you can handle.