Odour of Chrysanthemums True or False

1. Identify the speaker in the following quote: "Well, what's a man to do? It's no sort of life for a man of my years, to sit at my own hearth like a stranger. And if I'm going to marry again it may as well be soon as late—what does it matter to anybody?" -> Elizabeth's dad
2. Identify the person who gave Elizabeth the following super helpful information about her husband's whereabouts: "No, mother, I've never seen him. Why? Has he come up an' gone past, to Old Brinsley? He hasn't, mother, 'cos I never saw him." -> Annie
3. Elizabeth says, "It is a scandalous thing as a man can't even come home to his dinner! If it's crozzled up to a cinder I don't see why I should care. Past his very door he goes to get to a public-house, and here I sit with his dinner waiting for him—." To whom is she referring? -> Her oldest son from a previous marriage, Rudolf
4. Identify the speaker: "I couldna say wheer he is—'e's non ower theer!" -> Mr. Rigley
5. Upon hearing of Walter's accident, who lamented "Eh, Lizzie, whatever shall we do, whatever shall we do!"? -> Elizabeth (she was talking to herself)
