The Odyssey Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Line)

Quote #4

(Halitherses): 'I who foretell this am not untried, I know what I am saying. Concerning him, I say that everything was accomplished in the way I said it would be at the time the Argives took ship for Ilion, and with them went resourceful Odysseus. I said that after much suffering, with all his companions lost, in the twentieth year, not recognized by any, he would come home. And now all this is being accomplished.' (2.170-176)

Fair enough: Halitherses points out that his predictions were totally right. At the same time, anyone who knows Odysseus might be able to guess that some back stuff would happen to him. Right?

Quote #5

(Nestor:) 'The will of the everlasting gods is not turned suddenly.' (3.147)

It's hard to change a god's mind—but it sounds like Nestor is suggesting that it can be changed. Maybe if you sacrifice enough ram thighs.

Quote #6

(Nestor:) ‘Never once did the wind fail, once the god had set it blowing.’ (3.182-183)

Nestor credits Menelaos’s safe journey home to the will of the Gods.