On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer Resources


Chapman's Homer

Yup, this is the whole translation of Homer's works by George Chapman. See what all the fuss is about.

Poetry Foundation

The Poetry Foundation has put together a biography of Keats that gives you more than you could ever need.

Keats on Poets.org

The American Academy of Poets hosts a concise introduction to John Keats, many of his important poems, and a bibliography of his work.


Here's a small site with some helpful commentary, but (most importantly) a copy of Keats's original manuscript of the poem. It includes a different line seven.


Bright Star

This is a trailer for the independent film about John Keats and his true love, Fanny Brawne. Watch it and you'll see just how Romantic Keats was.

Fluffy Clouds

This is a very slow mediation on some clouds at sunset, with the poem in the background.


The Original

Here's a copy of Keats's original manuscript of the poem. It includes a different line seven.

Death Mask

This is a mask made of Keats' face after his early death.


Poet Ted Hughes Reads

The former British Poet Laureate delivers a fine reading of the poem.

Graham Jane

Check out this… uh, funky and smooth interpretation.

Articles and Interviews

Selected Keats Letters

Keats wrote some of the most famous letters of any English poet—beautiful love letters to Fanny Brawne and insightful commentary on the life of a poet.


Complete Poems and Selected Letters of John Keats

This edition of Keats's work was edited by noted critic and poet Edward Hirsch.

John Keats

Walter Jackson Bate's biography of Keats won the Pulitzer Prize for its incredible insight into his life and work.

History of America

Maybe a bit of a snoozer these days, but this is the history book that Keats had been reading when he wrote the poem. You can see the passage he read about Balboa (but then confused with Cortez).