How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
It meant work, anyway. The thought of it had made him happy when he went to sleep, and his happiness had lasted through the night. (1.3)
Although he's not as hardcore as Dwight Towers, Peter Holmes feels a great sense of fulfillment when he's at work. When he's stuck at home, all he can do is worry about his family's potentially disastrous future. At work, however, he feels like he's actually making a difference.
Quote #2
"I suppose you're the kind of person who works very hard, all the time, whether you've got to or not." (2.33-34)
Although she's just met Dwight, Moira hits the nail on the head with this one. In fact, we're pretty sure that Dwight would go straight-up insane if he didn't have his job to keep him in check.
Quote #3
The girl shook her head again. "He wouldn't ever do that. You see, he's married already. He's got a wife and two children in America." (6.205)
Dwight doesn't merely feel a sense of duty toward his profession—he also feels it in regards to his family. Although his wife and children were almost certainly killed during the war, he still uses them as an excuse for why he can't get into a relationship with Moira.