How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"I've got to see that my wife understand about it," Peter said. "She'll have to see to the baby. And I may not be here." (4.443)
This must be an incredibly difficult moment for Peter. In case this isn't ringing any bells, this is the scene when Peter first visits the chemist to buy the red pills for his family. Yikes. We can't even imagine how we'd feel being in his position.
Quote #5
"You never loved her. She's always been a nuisance to you. Well, she's not a nuisance to me. It's you that's the nuisance." (5.53)
This is obviously untrue, but Mary is actually reacting to how unfair the situation is. She knows in her heart that Peter deeply cares for both her and Jennifer, and that belief will shine through in the end. We hope so, at least.
Quote #6
"This is a present for a boy ten years old," he said. "His first rod." (5.176)
This is another example of Dwight's delusional beliefs about his family—he buys them presents because he thinks they will be reunited in the near future. Dude's straight off his rocker. Or, well, probably not: this is likely just a coping mechanism. Of course he knows there's no hope.