How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"The seismic records show about four thousand seven hundred. Some of the records were pretty weak, so there were probably more than that." (3.34)
Holy explosions, Batman—that's a lot of bombs. Talk about beating a dead horse. In this instance, unfortunately, the dead horse in question happens to be a perfectly good planet inhabited by billions of perfectly good people (or mostly good people, whatever).
Quote #5
"Do you mean to say, we bombed Russia by mistake?" It was so horrible a thought as to be incredible. (3.62)
This perfectly illustrates the absurdity of war: England and the United States end up demolishing Russia under mistaken pretenses. Calling that an "epic fail" wouldn't come close to doing it justice. Do you know how big Russia is?
Quote #6
"The trouble is, the damn things got too cheap. The original uranium bomb only cost about fifty thousand quid towards the end." (3.70)
With nuclear weaponry this cheap, even the Kardashians could afford their own personal atomic arsenal. Jokes aside, however, this is a pretty sobering thought—with prices so low, a world-ending nuclear conflict becomes inevitable.