How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"I'm not even talking about blame, I'm talking about being available." (4.32)
Calvin believes that a parent is at least partially responsible for his child's actions, and he blames himself for the death of one son and the suicide attempt of another. Beth, though, distances herself from these issues as much as possible. She wants her children to exist completely independently of her. It's almost like she didn't even give birth to them.
Quote #2
"Are we going to live like this? With it always hanging over our heads?" (4.51)
Maybe a little guilt is healthy. But any guilt at all ruins Beth's idea of perfection, so she pushes any hint of it away as forcefully as she can.
Quote #3
She was right. He lied to her at lunch. He does not believe himself to be innocent. It has to be his fault, because fault equals responsibility equals control equals eventual understanding. (4.87)
Calvin, the tax attorney, puts his guilt into specific mathematical terms. Hey, whatever works for him to understand it. At least he accepts it, unlike Beth, who doesn't even acknowledge her own feelings…if she has any.