How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
They do not discuss a problem in the presence of the problem. (1.9)
The Jarrett family has a tendency to ignore things and hope they'll go away. This strategy works about as well as it would if you were defusing a bomb. Ignoring it won't make it go away. It'll explode.
Quote #2
He wants to belong to this house again, needs to be part of these tall windows set low to the ground, walls half-hidden behind thick waxy rhododendron leaves, the cedar hedge in the front, all of it—all elegance and good taste. (3.4)
The house might be elegant, but it doesn't seem very welcoming. The windows create a false sense of openness, but the house—and the family—is hidden behind the hedges and the plant life. Everything on the outside is just for show.