How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"Calvin, you get what you deserve." (6.21)
This line encapsulates Beth pretty well—insensitive and hypocritical. If her logic is true, she should consider that she, too, is also getting what she deserves. But she doesn't have enough self-awareness to understand that.
Quote #5
"I am never going to be forgiven for that, never! You can't get it out, you know! All that blood on her rug and her goddamn towels—everything had to be pitched!" (14.10)
It's sad that this is what Conrad worries about. He attempted to take his own life, yet he believes his mother blames him for ruining her towels. Yet Beth never attempts to dissuade Conrad from this belief, so maybe he's right, and the towels were what she cared about most.