How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"She can't think about them at all. Now what does that say to you?" (19.53)
One of Calvin and Beth's biggest arguments centers on the fact that Calvin apparently thinks about Conrad too much, and Beth apparently thinks about Calvin not at all. Where is there a healthy balance? How can these two reach a compromise?
Quote #8
They had been happy there. Away from home, away from all of it, everything seemed orderly and safe. (21.10)
Beth and Calvin also isolated themselves from their problems by going to Grenada while their son was in the hospital. Nice for them to get away, sure, but it was also selfish. By isolating themselves and creating the illusion that everything was "orderly and safe," they were doing just the opposite for their son, who felt as if they had abandoned him.
Quote #9
The distance between people. In miles. In time. In thought. Staggering, when you think about it. (23.1)
Although this comes dangerously close to REM's "Everybody Hurts" territory, Calvin is honestly thinking about how everyone is lonely and isolated. Oddly, these thoughts make him feel closer to other people. They make him feel—say it with us now—ordinary.