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Othello Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory


Hanky PankyThe most dominant symbol in the play is the handkerchief that circulates throughout the play. That's right: in one of the world's most famous tragedies, the #1 symbol is not something su...


Honesty Is the Best Policy (Hear That, Iago?)You've probably noticed how the word "honest" shows up all over the place in Othello. By poet and literary critic William Empson's count, there are fift...


All's (Un)fair in Love and WarEvery major character in the play packs up and heads for Cyprus, where we've been promised a bloody battle. (They seem pretty pumped at the prospect.) And then, due to...

The Willow Song

Weeping WillowAs Desdemona is preparing for bed the night she will be murdered, she starts singing a song about willow trees. (We'd be nodding off to Antiques Roadshow and eating ice cream, but tha...

Cassio's Naughty Dream

Dream TeamOf course you're wondering about the naughty dream Cassio supposedly has one night. Before we discuss what's going on, let's recap, shall we? IAGO In sleep I heard him say "Sweet Desdemon...


How Does Your Garden Grow?Iago is pretty fond of making references to gardens and other kinds of foliage, wouldn't you say? Does he just really like planting veggies and watering flowers? Did he mi...


We had a feeling you might check here for some ideas about all the animal references in the play. Check out our "Quotes on Race" for our thoughts on this, but come right back...


All Choked UpMost people have a pretty positive association with blowing out candles: it's what we do on our birthdays before chowing down on some delicious cake.Well, sorry to put a damper on your...