Click on any scene below for a side-by-side translation from the original Shakespeare into modern English.
Act 1, Scene 1
We meet Roderigo and Iago, having a spat on a street in Venice, Italy. We, the audience, have just walked in on the conversation, so we're not exactly clear about why they're fighting, yet. We lear...
Act 1, Scene 2
Othello, the Moor, is with Iago on another street in Venice. Iago is going on about how he's murdered a lot of people, but he really doesn't like to do it, because he's such an upstanding guy. Stil...
Act 1, Scene 3
The Duke and assorted senators of Venice are dealing with the impending war with the Turks over Cyprus, an island in the Mediterranean. The men compare conflicting reports of a Turkish fleet approa...
Act 2, Scene 1
You thought there was going to be a battle scene. Instead, it turns out that a really big storm knocked out the entire Turkish fleet, so now Othello will have nothing to do except honeymoon in...
Act 2, Scene 2
We're now back on the streets of Cyprus to hear Othello's herald make a public announcement: in celebration of the Turkish fleet's destruction, Othello has declared that tonight will be a party nig...
Act 2, Scene 3
Othello tells Cassio to keep the party under control. Cassio notes that actually that's Iago's job, but sure, he's willing to help out. After Othello says he trusts Iago (bad move), he tells&#...
Act 3, Scene 1
Cassio, eager to please, has sent some musicians to play, badly, in hopes of winning back Othello's good favor. Othello's clown comes out and asks the players why their instruments sound so nasal.
Act 3, Scene 2
Cut to Othello and Iago in the citadel. Othello bids Iago to give his regards to the Senate, and instructs him to meet later at the fortifications that are being built. Meanwhile, he's off to inspe...
Act 3, Scene 3
Cassio has explained the whole situation to Desdemona, and she promises to not rest until she's convinced Othello to reinstate Cassio as his lieutenant and renew their friendship. This makes Emilia...
Act 3, Scene 4
Desdemona chats with the clown and asks him to bring a message to Cassio that he should come visit her. She wants the clown to make it clear that she's been good to her word about asking Othello fo...
Act 4, Scene 1
Enter Iago and Othello. Iago is playing mind games with Othello as usual, forcing him to imagine Desdemona and Cassio in bed together.
Act 4, Scene 2
We open with Othello grilling Emilia, trying to get her to confess that Desdemona and Cassio are having an affair. Emilia tells him that he's crazy—she has observed Cassio and Desdemona every min...
Act 4, Scene 3
After dinner, Othello suggests a walk with Lodovico and orders Desdemona to get ready for bed. He promises to meet her there soon, and demands that she send Emilia away. (Gee, that's not ominous at...
Act 5, Scene 1
Iago and Roderigo wait in a darkened street for Cassio to come. Iago has given Roderigo a sword. He tries to slip off in the darkness, but Roderigo asks him to stay near, in case he needs any...
Act 5, Scene 2
Othello is a wreck. He's watching Desdemona sleep, and telling himself over and over again that he has to go through with this. He promises he won't mar Desdemona's beautiful skin by cutting her up...