Out of Africa Visions of Africa Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Out of Africa.

Quote #7

OFFICIAL: There is no arable land that size outside the reserve, and if there were, we'd not put natives on it.

KAREN: Since it's theirs.

OFFICIAL: It belongs to the crown, Baroness. What you want is quite impossible.

KAREN: Yes, it always is. Who must I see next?

This exchange is Exhibit A in colonial self-righteousness. Karen became more protective of Africa as she began to learn about it. Seriously, she sets up schools for the natives and provides basic medical care, unlike the British colonialists who were only interested making them work in the fields or serve drinks.

Quote #8

KAREN: Kenya is a hard country for women, so there is a chivalry here, of a sort. You are a powerful man, and I have no one else to turn to.

SIR JOSEPH: Let's discuss this in the proper way.

KAREN: You mustn't be embarrassed. I've lost everything. It costs me very little to beg you.

As long as Karen owned her land, she could allow the Kikuyu to stay. Since she lost it, she wanted to do the honorable thing and is willing to beg the officials to allow them their land. At this point, she's beyond being humiliated, so she gives it her best shot.

Quote #9

KAREN: Do you remember how it was on safari? In the afternoons I would send you ahead to look for a camp and you would wait for me. You can see the fire and come to this place.


KAREN: Well, it will be like that. Only this time I will go ahead and wait for you.

FARAH: It is far, where you are going?


FARAH: You must make this fire very big so I can find you.

Farah was Karen's closest friend. In her real life, he even managed to visit her in Denmark. The film wanted to show that mutual respect without a lot of grand gestures. The real Farah had a wife and family, so this scene was fudged a bit. We're sure it was an emotional goodbye, but it wasn't like he was exactly going to be lost without Karen around and follow her to Denmark.