Out of the Dust Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Out of the Dust? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How does Ma die?

Accident with kerosene
Dust pneumonia
Natural causes
Q. The worst dust storm of 1935 hits while Billie Jo and Daddy are doing what?

Filling the pond
Going to a show at the Palace
Traveling to a funeral
Cleaning the piano
Q. Why is Mr. Hardly in a bad mood?

He had to shoot his cattle.
Dust filled up his attic and made it cave in.
Billie Jo cheats him out of money.
He hates his job.
Q. What does Livie Killian's brother have to do when they get to California?

Join the circus
Work on a plantation
Leave his family to look for work
Lie to the border guards
Q. What does Billie Jo find when she arrives at Miss Freeland's classroom one morning?

A migrant family
Piles of dust
A dog
President Roosevelt