Paper Towns Resources


Digital Towns

No paper was used in the making of this website.


John Green's fans (a.k.a. nerdfighters) have their own tumblr. "An awesome tumblr for awesome people." That means you.

Movie or TV Productions

No Fault in These Stars

IMDB is like a map of movies, but the Paper Towns movie isn't a paper town itself; it's real. Use this page to scope it out.

Articles and Interviews

The Fault in Our Cars

Bob Hassett of The Washington Post says that Paper Towns is better than A Fault in Our Stars. Yeah, we'd take a road trip over cancer any day, too.

Building a Mystery

No, not a Sarah McLachlan song, but an interview with Green about his nomination for Paper Towns from the Mystery Writers of America.

Extra Ordinary

Is leading an extraordinary life as simple as choosing to live one? Green seems to think so (although he doesn't think the choice is easy).

Pants Power

That's an anagram for Paper Towns. Other fun facts abound in this interview.


Not About Dragons

Green attempts to define his own book, without resorting to outright lies.


If you really like the epigraph, or you're too lazy to read it yourself, here's Green to read it to you.

Too Many Friends

Paper Towns was so popular, Green maxed out his friends on Facebook.

A Lonely Goatherd

The Mountain Goats appear in both the epigraph and the novel itself. Take a listen.


Plastic Towns

This copy of paper towns is made of plastic instead of paper: it's the audiobook version.


Walt Freaking Whitman

Margo Roth Spiegelman's copy of Leaves of Grass probably looks a lot like this one, with Whitman's studly visage on the cover.

Climb Your Veggies

Here's the Tower of Light, or what Q and Margo Roth Spiegelman call "The Asparagus." Does looking at it make your pee smell funny?