Paper Towns Themes

Paper Towns Themes


If you ever played with paper dolls (or your paper doll app) you know how easy it is to change a person's identity. Sometimes it's as easy as just changing an outfit. And things get really wild if...


After you've finished Paper Towns, and read everything here about Paper Towns, and clicked on all the links speculating about Paper Towns, and written your own Paper Towns fanfic, you might be bore...


Just how many people on your Facebook friends list (whether you have two or two thousand) would you actually consider your friends? Even though they're not on der Facebük, in Paper Towns, Quentin...


On the road again… Margo Roth Spiegelman just can't wait to get on the road again. Just like in Willie Nelson's hit song, in Paper Towns, Margo loves being on the road. So much so, that she plans...

Literature and Writing

There are a few things you'll always remember from high school, like your prom and your graduation, but all the books you read in high school will stick with you for a lifetime, too. And that's a g...


In Paper Towns, Margo Roth Spiegelman has tons of albums, meticulously arranged in alphabetical order. We have to wonder if she pulls out Fiona Apple's "Better Version of Me" to jam to now and then...

The Home

Usually it's pretty easy to find your home when you're a teenager: It's the same place your parents live, and chances are decent you've lived there all your life. But when Margo Roth Spiegelman ask...


People have a tendency to put celebrities up on a pedestal, and when they do, two things usually happen: The newly anointed god or goddess is treated as though they aren't human, and some people ca...