Parable of the Sower Chapter 5 Summary

Saturday, March 2, 2025

  • It rains—a rare event. People put buckets out to obtain free water and to protect against leaky roofs.

Monday, March 3, 2025

  • The rain continues. Lauren enjoys it. Yay for rain.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

  • Amy dies. Oh, no. Somehow she's shot by outsiders firing through the neighborhood's metal gate. It's an accidental hit, since people can't see through the gate from outside.
  • Lauren feels she's living on an island surrounded by sharks.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

  • Lauren feels sad about Amy's death. So do we. She talks it over with her friend Joanne Garfield as the two eat lunch in Lauren's bedroom. It's a place where Lauren has some privacy.
  • Amy's death inspires Lauren to talk with Joanne about the lack of safety in the neighborhood. Lauren says Amy's death was a wake-up call, and that there will be more wake-up calls in the future.
  • Lauren reminds Joanne of all the risks they face, such as disease and the drug that makes people want to start fires.
  • Lauren also tells Joanne that they need to do something about their predicament.
  • Joanne thinks that at fifteen, there's nothing they can do. But Lauren insists that bigger trouble is coming: she thinks the wall or gate will eventually be broken down and their community will be destroyed.
  • Joanne reacts with denial, saying that maybe Donner will improve things.
  • Lauren continues to insist that things will get worse and tells Joanne that they need to prepare. Lauren advises Joanne to read books on survival in the wilderness, handling guns, treating medical emergencies, and so on. Go Lauren.
  • Joanne isn't sure that reading books will be any help. Lauren remains insistent and gives her a book about plants, telling her to take notes on it. The book belongs to Lauren's father.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

  • The rain stops. Lauren wonders how many years will pass before they see rain again.